Guidelines for online transactions on IREPS website

Following are the guidelines on which FIRM/IREPS user agree(s) before initiating any online transactions on IREPS: 
  • Before making an online transaction Firm/IREPS users agree to the Terms & Condition / Guidelines, Transaction Charges and refund process.
  • Firm should ensure to check the Transaction Charges applicable for making the payment. Please note that a Bank Fee plus service tax would be charged in addition to transaction Amount required by IREPS.
  • Firm should check the List of Banks available for Net banking transaction, Firm should also ensure from their respective Bank about the maximum limit for online transaction.
  • Transactions once made through IREPS Website shall not be refunded / cancelled online.
  • Firm should approach respective Railways for the refund of any transaction if eligible; a refund will be processed by the respective railways through manual mode only.
  • Before making online transaction Firm is also advised to go through the FAQs related to E-Payment available on IREPS Home Page or contact Helpdesk for any clarification regarding online transaction.
  • Firm are strongly advised to make online payment well in advance and not to wait for the last closing hour of any Tender(s)/Lot(s), to avoid any unforeseen interruptions/non-availability of Payment Gateway services.
  • SUCCESS transaction for IREPS, means only those transactions which response received at IREPS end, IREPS is not responsible for any communication / network level failure.
  • If transaction status at IREPS is not showing Success, it means it’s a pending transaction at IREPS even if customer account has been debited.

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