How to Prepare and Submit Bid for a Goods & Service Tender on IREPS website
Bid Preparation and Submission: This icon is displayed only to those Vendors who are authorized to bid against the tender. If any responsiveness clause has been added by the tendering department, clicking on the bid submission icon opens the Responsiveness page. The responsiveness page lists tender conditions in respect of which the bidder is not allowed to quote any deviation. Quoting of deviation in respect of any of these clauses shall lead to summary rejection of the offer. The bidder is required to tick the check box at the bottom of the page as a mark of acceptance of the conditions mentioned on the page.
Bidders are allowed to access the payments page for making payments towards Tender document cost and Earnest Money only after he accepts the responsiveness clauses. The bidding page can only be accessed after acceptance of the responsiveness clauses, and after making payments for TDC and EMD. The page is not displayed if no responsiveness condition has been added by the tendering department.
After the payments towards EMD and TDC have been made (or exemptions have been claimed) by the bidder, the bidder is redirected to the bid preparation and submission interface as shown below:
As can be seen from the above screenshot the page consists of Tabs bar containing various tab names viz. General, T&C, Eligibility, Compliance, Deviations, Perform., DOCs., Responsive., Fin. Offer and Submit. Users can switch between the tabs by clicking on the tab name in the Tabs bar.
General Tab
This is the tab that opens when the bidder clicks on Bid Preparation and Submission icon (please see screenshot in preceding para).
The General Tab has a panel named Bid data Save & Prefill Options. The check box against the label Save my bid on my computer should be ticked if the user intends to save a copy of his offer on his computer while filling up the various forms of bidding page, or if he wants to keep a copy of the submitted bid. For security purposes the bid is encrypted by the user’s Digital Signing Certificate before saving. This is an optional facility, and may be helpful in the following situations:
- If the bidder is not in a position to prepare the bid and submit the same in a single sitting, and wants to save the partially prepared bid for later use.
- If there is a possibility of power failure or internet connection failure during the process of preparing bid.
- If the bidder intends to save a copy of the submitted bid for his reference.
- If the bidder intends to submit a revised bid.
Internet Explorer Version 9 or later (with compatibility settings removed), or Mozilla Firefox latest version should be installed on the computer to avail this facility.
If the bidder has saved a copy of draft or submitted bid, next time he can load details from the saved file by clicking on the link Click Here mentioned in the label Click Here to copy details from my previously saved bid.
The General tab displays details like Tender Calling Authority, Tender Title, General Instructions and Special Conditions.
The Click Here link provided on the page opens tender dashboard for the selected tender which contains links to the tender document, documents uploaded by the tendering authority, and corrigenda issued against the tender, if any.
The bidder is required to tick on the check box available at the bottom of the General tab as a mark of acceptance of the conditions displayed on this tab, and also for confirming that he has downloaded, read and understood the complete tender document, documents attached with the tender, and corrigenda issued, if any.
Clicking on the Save as Draft button at the bottom of the page (or Confirm button if Save my bid my computer option has not been selected) freezes the user inputs. However, the user has the option to change the entered data by clicking on the Edit button (which becomes active only after Confirm/ Save as Draft button has been clicked).
The bidder is prompted to choose the folder on his computer where he intends to save the encrypted bid, and after saving of the file a confirmation is displayed on the computer screen.
T&C Tab
Clicking on the T&C Tab name in the Tabs Bar opens the Terms & Conditions Tab, which displays the terms and conditions applicable for the tender/ contract. A screenshot of the T&C tab is shown below:
As can be seen, the T&C tab displays Validity of Offer, F.O.R Condition, Payment Terms, Delivery Period, Statutory Variation Clause, Option Clause etc. The conditions shown on the screenshot are indicative only, and may vary from tender to tender depending on the conditions added by the tendering department.
The bidder is required to select one of the payment terms mentioned on the payments page. In case of Global tenders, if the bidder has chosen to submit indigenous offer, he is required to select one of the payment terms applicable for indigenous offer, and if he chooses Import offer option, he has to select one of the payment terms applicable for Import offers.
Eligibility Tab
Clicking on the Eligibility Tab name in the Tabs Bar opens the Eligibility Tab.
The eligibility tab shows the eligibility conditions that have been included in the tender by the tendering department. A screenshot of the eligibility tab is shown below:
If confirmation of the bidder is sought on any of the eligibility conditions has been sought by the tendering department, the bidder has to select Yes / No radio button as a mark of compliance. If such confirmation has not been sought, the radio buttons will not be available to the bidder (as is the case in the screenshot above).
If the tendering department while creating tender document has allowed to bidder to submit remarks against any of the conditions, text input box will be available against the condition. However, if the tenderer has not allowed remarks against the condition, such input box will not be available to the user (as is the case in the screenshot above). Remarks are mandatory if no option is selected by bidder in complied column.
Depending on the choice exercised by the tenderer while preparing tender the document uploading icons will appear in the Action column. ( ) icon shows that uploading of document against the condition is Mandatory, ( ) button indications that document uploading is optional. If the tender has not allowed document uploading against the condition, the document uploading button will not be available to the bidder.
After choosing the compliance radio option (if allowed by tenderer), entering the remarks and uploading the documents the user shall click on the Confirm / Save as Draft button.
Uploading of documents
To upload the a document the user has to click on the document upload icon which opens the
At the top of the page the condition against which the document is going to be uploaded is mentioned. The user has to enter the description / subject of the document in the space provided for the same (Min. 5 characters, Max. 35 characters), and click on the Select file to Upload button. This opens PDF signer as shown below:
The PDF signer consists of two parts, the upper part for selection of document to be uploaded, and the lower part for selection of Digital signature for signing of the document. The document can be selected by clicking on the Browse button in the upper path, browsing through the computer and selecting the file to be uploaded. After selecting the desired document, the user has to select his signature in the lower part (the DSC token should be inserted in the computer beforehand). Clicking on the Sign signature button thereafter signs and uploads the document as shown below. ( ) symbol indicates that at least one file has been uploaded against the condition.
All the documents uploaded against the condition are listed at the bottom of the page. The bidder can delete any of these documents by clicking on the delete button ( ). Multiple documents can be uploaded against a tender condition. The document upload icon in the Action column turns green if at least one document is uploaded against the tender condition.
Compliance Conditions Tab
licking on the Compliance Tab name in the Tabs Bar opens the Compliance Conditions Tab as shown below:
The Compliance tab shows the Technical Compliance, Commercial Compliance and Miscellaneous compliance conditions that have been included in the tender by the tendering department.
If confirmation of the bidder on any of the eligibility conditions has been sought by the tendering department, the bidder has to select Yes / No radio button as a mark of compliance. If such confirmation has not been sought, the radio buttons will not be available to the bidder.
If the tendering department while creating tender document has allowed to insert remarks against any of the condition, text input box will be available against the condition. However, if the tenderer has not allowed remarks against the condition, such input box will not be available to the user. Remarks are mandatory if no option is selected by bidder in complied column.
Depending on the choice exercised by the tenderer while preparing tender the document uploading icons will appear in the Action column. ( ) icon shows that uploading of document against the condition is Mandatory, ( ) button indications that document uploading is optional. If the tender has not allowed document uploading against the condition, the document uploading button will not be available to the bidder.
After choosing the compliance radio option (if allowed by tenderer), entering the remarks and uploading the documents the user shall click on the Confirm / Save as Draft button.
Uploading of documents
The procedure to upload the documents is described in para above.
Deviation Tab
Clicking on the Deviations Tab name in the Tabs Bar opens the interface for submission of deviations from the tender conditions
The bidder can submit Technical deviations (related to specifications, drawings or any technical requirements) or Commercial deviations (related to any commercial condition of tender) by choosing the suitable radio button against the Deviation Type field. After filling in the details in various fields, the bidder has to click on the Save As Draft button to save the details.
If a deviation is quoted by the bidder, he has to tick the check box at the bottom of the page.
- Bidders are advised to read the clauses mentioned at the bottom of deviations page carefully before ticking the check box, as quoting deviations against certain conditions may lead to summary rejection of their offer.
Performance Tab
Clicking on the Perform. Tab name in the Tabs Bar opens the interface for adding performance details as shown below.
Bidders are required to fill in all the required details in the fields provided and click on the Save button. After the details have been saved in, the bidders have to upload copy of Contract document / Purchase order as well as the proof of execution of the contract (Receipt Note or Completion report issued by the consignee) by clicking on the ( ) and ( ) respectively. Uploading of both these documents is mandatory. The bidder can edit the saved details or delete any record by clicking on the ( ) or ( ) icons respectively.
DOCs Tab
The DOCS. Tab allows the user to upload miscellaneous documents against the tender.
The bidders should only upload those tenders through this tab which are relevant to the tender in hand.
- Bidders should refrain from attaching general documents like Company profile etc. through this tab unless the tender conditions specifically seek these documents. Such general document like company profile etc. should be uploaded only once through the View / Upload documents link in the Documents section in the left navigation block of the Home page as public documents. All such public documents uploaded by the bidder can be seen by the tendering authority.
Please enter the description for the document in the relevant field, and click on the Select file to Upload button. This will open PDF Signer window. The rest of the procedure is the same as described in previous tab.
The documents uploaded through this page will appear under the heading Bidder’s documents (attached through current tab). All the documents attached by the bidder through other tabs (Eligibility, Compliance etc.) can be seen by clicking on the link Bidder Documents (attached through other tabs) at the bottom of this page. The uploaded documents can be viewed / downloaded by clicking on the file name of the document. The delete icon in the Actions column allows the bidder to delete any uploaded document.
Responsiveness Tab
This tab shows the responsiveness conditions applicable to the tender, as described in starting.
The page also displays the name of the user who accepted the responsiveness conditions before accessing the bidding page.
The page also displays the name of the user who accepted the responsiveness conditions before accessing the bidding page.
Fin. Offer Tab (Financial Offer)
Clicking on Fin. Offer tab brings up the Financial Offer Page where the bidder can submit his rates against the items included in the tender as shown below:
As can be seen from the screenshot above, the page displays all the items included in the tender one after the other. There is also a selection panel which lists all the item codes for all the items. If the tender contains groups of items, the selection panel also contains the group codes. Clicking on any item code expands the rate panel for that item and collapses the rate panels for all other items as shown below:
icon in the selection panel collapses the rate panels for all the items (as shown below), whereas icon expands the all the rate panels.
Similarly, icon against an item collapses the rate panel for the item, whereas icon expands the rate panel for the item.
icon against an item clears all the details that the user has filled in in a rate panel. The same icon in a group row (if the tender contains groups of items) clears all the details that the user has filled in for all the items of the group.
icon against an item validates whether all the mandatory details have been filled in by the user for the item. The same icon against a group validates whether all the mandatory details have been filled in by the user for all items of the group.
The screenshot below shows a rate panel for submission of Indigenous offer for Goods type item, covered under GST law, for evaluation criteria- Itemwise Consigneewise.
The rate panels vary depending on item type (Goods, Services or AMC items), applicability of GST for the item (GST – Y in the item row indicates that GST is applicable, whereas GST- N indicates that the item is not covered under GST Law), and offer type (Indigenous or Import offer).
The different types of rate panels have their own peculiarities which are described below:
Itemwise Consigneewise evaluation Criteria
Goods Type Item- Indigenous Offer
The rate panel for this variation is shown above. The following important points may be kept in mind while dealing with this variation:
- The fields with red background indicate mandatory fields. The basic rate has to be entered before entering any other details. After entering the basic rate, other mandatory fields become available for entering details as shown below:
- After entering the basic rate, you have to click anywhere outside the basic rate input field to enable other fields. Similarly, after values have been entered for any parameter, please click outside the input cell to proceed further.
- Consignee level fields like GST type and rate, freight charges and Other charges – II get enabled only after you enter the offer quantity for the consignee.
- If you intend to quote for full tender quantity for any consignee, just click on the tender quantity, and the same gets copied in the offered quantity field. If you want to quote for full tender quantities for all the consignees, click on the label ‘Tendered’ just above the tendered quantities, and the tender quantities for all the consignees get copied in the offered quantity fields.
- Other Charges-I: These charges, if quoted, will be applicable for all consignees.
- The bidder has to select Other Charges I Unit before entering the description or rate for such charges. These charges can be quoted either as %age of discounted basic rate, or in Rs./Unit.
- Other Charges-II: These charges are applicable to the consignee against which these have been quoted.
- As in the case of Other Charges-I the unit (i.e. Rs/Unit or %age of discounted basic rate) has to be selected before adding the description or rate for these charges.
- If these charges are not to be quoted for one of the consignees, please add description Not applicable and the rate as 0.
- In case of Itemwise Consigneewise criteria bidders are allowed to quote for any quantity between 0 and the tendered quantity for the consignee. In such cases, the bidder may fill in 0 quantity if he doesn’t intend to submit his offer for a particular consignee. If the bidder does not intend to submit his bid for all consignees of an item, nothing should be filled in in any fields in the rate panel for the item.
- If you have entered the basic rate or any other details in the rate panel, but later decide not to quote for the item, click on the icon against the item to clear the contents of the rate panel.
- In case of Itemwise Consigneewise criteria the all-inclusive rate will be calculated and shown against each consignee. This is however shown only after the offered quantity other than 0 is entered.
- If GST is applicable for the item, the Excise duty is set to Nil by default, and the bidder will not be able to change it. The bidder is allowed to quote Excise duty if the item is not covered under GST law.
Service type item- Indigenous as well as Import Offers
- The rate panel for this category is similar to that for the goods type item described above, except that the bidder is not allowed to quote Packing Charges, Forwarding Charges, Freight Charges, as well as Excise duty as these are not applicable to service type items.
AMC type item- Indigenous as well as Import Offers
- The rate panel for AMC type items is shown below. Depending on the number of warranty years specified in the tender, a row is created for each AMC year for quoting the rate.
- As can be seen, each rate panel pertains to a consignee. Based on the rate of discounting specified in the tender, the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated and shown on the page.
Goods Type Item- Import Offer
- In case of Global tenders, after making payments the bidders has to first confirm whether he is going to submit Indigenous offer or Import offer.
- After making this selection, the bid submission interface opens exactly in the same manner as in case of indigenous offers. The bidder has to fill in all pages other than Financial Offer page in the same manner as in case of indigenous offer.
- On Fin. Offer tab the bidder has to select all the foreign currencies which he intends to use in his offer (considering all items). Depending on the permissions granted by the tendering authority while creating tender, the bidder may be allowed to choose upto three foreign currencies. The currencies so selected can be modified later by clicking on the Edit ( ) icon in the currency row
- After saving the currency options, the Financial Offer interface comes up:
- The bidder has to select currency (as shown above) before quoting other rate details for an item. Depending upon the permissions granted by the tendering authority the bidder may have the option to quote rate for an item in one or more (max. upto 4 currencies).
- The rate for an item shall be the sum total of the rates quoted in various currencies after converting all of them in INR by applying the exchange rate.
- The following screenshots shows the steps involved for filling up the rates for an item.
- The rates and other details for 2nd currency (or subsequent currencies) can be filled in in the same manner as for the first currency.
- The rate for an item shall be the sum total of the rates quoted in various currencies after converting all of them in INR by applying the exchange rate.
Itemwise evaluation Criteria
The rate panels and the steps involved in quoting rates in case of Itemwise evaluation criteria are more or less same as in case of Itemwise-Consigneewise criteria, except for the following differences.
- The bidders have to quote for full tender quantities and no change in quantities are permissible.
- The all-inclusive rate is not shown for individual consignee, but for the item as a whole {sum of (quantity * all inclusive rates) for all consignees of the item} in the item description row.
- The bidder can choose not to quote for any item (if there are more than one items in the tender). If rate or any other details have been entered by mistake, just click on icon to clear the details.
Groupwise evaluation Criteria
The rate panels and the steps involved in quoting rates in case of Groupwise evaluation criteria are more or less same as in case of Itemwise-Consigneewise criteria, except for the following differences.
- The bidders have to quote for full tender quantities for all the items in a group and no change in quantities are permissible.
- The all-inclusive rate is not shown for individual consignee, but for the item as a whole {sum of (quantity * all inclusive rates) for all consignees of all the items} in the Group description row.
- The bidder can choose not to quote for any Group (if there are more than one Groups in the tender). If rate or any other details have been entered by mistake in any item in the group, just click on icon against the group description to clear the details.
M&P Tenders: This is a sub-type of Groupwise evaluation criteria in which the
Goods, Service and AMC type items are further subdivided in the following Sub Types:
- Goods Type
- Basic Machine
- Concomitant Accessory
- Optional Accessories
- Essential Spares
- Optional Spares
- Service Type
- Essential Services
- Optional Services
The rates of Optional Accessories, Optional Spares and Optional Services are not added to work out the rate for the group as a whole, neither are these rates considered for working out the inter-se ranking.
Total Valuewise evaluation Criteria
The rate panels and the steps involved in quoting rates in case of Groupwise evaluation criteria are more or less same as in case of Groupwise criteria, except for the following differences.
- The bidders have to quote for full tender quantities for all the items in the tender and no change in quantities are permissible.
- The all-inclusive rate is not shown for individual consignee, item or group but for the tender as a whole {sum of (quantity * all inclusive rates) for all consignees of all the items}.
Submit Offer Tab
Clicking on the Submit Offer Link in the Tabs Bar opens the last tab which is meant for final submission of the offer by the bidder as shown below:
- On opening of this page the Undertakings/ Declarations to be given by the bidder are displayed. The bidder is required to click on the check box at the end of Undertakings/ Declarations as a mark of acceptance of these Undertakings/ Declarations.
- A Checklist is also presented to the bidder listing out some of the critical parameters to be checked by bidder before submission of his offer.
- The Undertakings/ Declarations and Checklist may vary from tender to tender, depending on the tendering department’s requirements, and there is a possibility of there not being any Undertaking/ Declaration/ Checklist item for a tender.
- On ticking of the checkboxes the Undertakings/ Declarations & Checklist sections collapse as shown below. The sections can be expanded again by clicking on the + buttons shown on the page.
- The Digital Signing Certificate Token of the bidder should be inserted in the USB drive of the computer before proceeding further. The bidder is required to enter his file reference (which may be used by the tendering department for correspondence) and click on Encrypt and Submit button to submit his bid. This will open up the Web signer for Digital Signing of the offer.
- The bidder has to select his Digital Signing Certificate, and enter his DSC token password if prompted to do, and click on Select button. The bid of the bidder shall be encrypted, and then it shall be submitted to the IREPS database server. The bidder shall receive a confirmation regarding bid submission, and the list of data, documents submitted shall also be displayed as shown below.
- This completes the bid submission process.
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