What are Superceded Bids in Tenders

Superceded Bids section of the Financial Tabulation shows all those financial bids which had been revised by the vendors at the time of financial bid submission.

For example, if you have submitted a original financial bid for an item (ITEM1) and got the Bid Id: XXXX and after that submitted the revised financial bid for the same item (ITEM1) and got the Bid ID: YYYY then your revised bid (Bid Id: XXXX) will be considered for ranking and original bid (Bid ID: YYYY) will appear in Superceded Bids section of the Financial Tabulation.

You can submit multiple revised bids for an item, your last submitted revised bid will be considered for ranking and all others submitted bids for that item will appear in Superceded Bids section of the Financial Tabulation.

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