How to change the Bidding Password on IREPS website

IREPS e-Auction bidders can change their bidding password only after login. There are two options for bidders to change their bidding password. The first option is for those bidders who know the current bidding password and the second option is for those who forgot their current bidding password.

1. Change Bidding Password if you know the current Bidding Password:

  • Login into IREPS application and click on Change Bidding Password link available on the right navigation block of logged in bidder's home page.
  • Enter the old bidding password and new bidding password in the input boxes and click on the save button to save the new bidding password.
  • After successful change of bidding Password you will get the message "Bidding Password have changed successfully".

2. Change Bidding Password if you forgot the current Bidding Password:

  • Login into IREPS application and click on Forgot Bidding Password link available on the right navigation block of logged in bidder's home page.
  • Enter the new bidding password in the input boxes and click on the Sign & Submit button.
  • After successful change of bidding Password you will get the message "Bidding Password have changed successfully".

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